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贵州大学官网 书记 / 院长信箱
发布时间: 2022-04-27  浏览次数: 2436











1.  贵州大学2021年教师教学大赛理农组一等奖;

2.  国际SCI期刊Bioorganic Chemistry, Biomaterials Science, RSC Advances, RSC Medicinal Chemistry, Tetrahedron Letters, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal ChemistryJournal of Molecular Structure审稿人





   2.贵州大学培育项目:新型嘧啶类靶向非小细胞肺癌的EGFR Src 双靶点抗肿瘤药物的合成与构效关系研究,2020.10-2023.10,项目经费:6万元

   3.省部共建药用植物功效与利用国家重点实验室开放课题项目:EGFR  Src 双靶点抑制剂的设计合成与抗肿瘤活性研究,2021.01-2022.12项目经费:8万元



1.    国家自然科学基金地区基金项目:Mdm2核定位介导β-arrestin2去泛素化和诱捕GβγD3R脱敏负反馈调控机制的研究,2021.01-2024.12,项目经费:34万元;

2.   贵州省科技支撑计划(社会发展领域)项目:水相体系氟离子探针的研究与应用,2021.04-2024.04,项目经费:38万元。


1.    Yongliang Li, Jing Cai, Longjia Yan, Wanzheng Zhang, Li Li, Zhi-yun Du, Yanxiong Fang, Chang-zhi Dong, Bernard Meunier and Huixiong Chen*. Phenothiazine-based theranostic compounds for in vivo near-infared fluorescence imaging of β-amyloid plaques and inhibition of Aβ aggregation. Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 171, 107744.

2.    Yongliang Li, Longjia Yan, Jing Cai, Wanzheng Zhang, Li Li, Zhi-yun Du, Chang-zhi Dong, Bernard Meunierand Huixiong Chen*. Development of novel theranostic agents for in vivo amyloid imaging and protective effects on human neuroblastoma cells. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2019, 181, 111585. 

3.    Yi Le, Yiyuan Gan, Yihong Fu, Jiamin Liu, Wen Li, Xue Zou, Zhixu Zhou, Zhenchao Wang*, Guiping Ouyang* and Longjia Yan*. Design, synthesis and in vitro biological evaluation of quinazolinone derivatives as EGFR inhibitors for antitumor treatment. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 35, 555-564 

4.    Qing Wang, Dan Li, Nian Rao, Yan Zhang, Yi Le, Li Liu*, Lei Huang and Longjia Yan*. Development of indole-based fluorescent probe for detection of fluoride and cell imaging of HepG2. Dyes and Pigments,2021, 188, 109166. 

5.    Yan Zhang, Qin Wang, Luolan Li, Yi Le*, Li Liu, Jing Yang, Yongliang Li*, Guochen Bao and Longjia Yan*. Synthesis and preliminary structure-activity relationship study of 3-methylquinazolinone derivatives as EGFR inhibitors with enhanced antiproliferative activities against tumour cells.Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry,2021, 36, 1205-1216. 

6.    Longjia Yan, Dan Li, Yi Le, Ping Dong and Li Liu*. Phenothiazine-based fluorescent probe for fluoride ions and its applications in rapid detection of endemic disease. Dyes and Pigments,2022, 201, 110200. 

7.    Longjia Yan, Qin Wang, Li Liu andYi Le*. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of a series of dianilinopyrimidines as EGFR inhibitors. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 37, 832-843. 

8. Yaqing Zuo, Rongrong Li, Yan Zhang, Guochen Bao, Yi Le, and Longjia Yan*. Design, synthesis and antitumor activity of 5-trifluoromethylpyrimidine derivatives as EGFR inhibitors. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 37, 2742-2754.

9  Yan Zhang, Zhiwu Long, Nian Rao, Yi Le, Li Liu, and Longjia Yan*. New phenylisoxazole derivatives: Synthesis, Spectroscopic, X-ray, IR, DFT calculation and biological activity studies. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2023, 1285, 135557.

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